Friary Villas | 2-3 Friary Street | Derby | DE1 1JF | 07948 266652



We offer internships through the University of Derby and the University of Nottingham.

You must be studying at one of the universities or, in the case of the University of Derby, have graduated within the last 3 years to be eligible for these fantastic opportunities.

To find out more information, contact the careers department at the appropriate university.


Employability and Enterprise Hub, Atrium
Access and Further Education Centre,
University of Derby
Kedleston Road
Derby DE22 1GB
T: 01332 591080


Work Experience Officer
Careers and Employability Service
The University of Nottingham
A14, A floor, YANG Fujia Building,
Jubilee Campus, Nottingham NG8 1BB
t: +44 (0)115 7484525 / 07970 106213