Friary Villas | 2-3 Friary Street | Derby | DE1 1JF | 07948 266652

Coptic Bookbinding Workshop

Learn how to create a beautiful hand bound book in a relaxed afternoon at The Smallprint Co… The session is ideal for anyone looking for a relaxing and crafty afternoon with friends and family. The session is ideal for anyone with an interest in bookbinding who would like to while away a few creative hours in…


We're closed today, as you'll find us at the Eco Centre in Wirksworth running letterpress workshops there!

Vintage & Quirky

Join us at one of our favourite events of the year. The Vintage & Quirky team consistently put on an event with high quality artisan makers and homemade cake in the beautiful village of Edensor on the Chatsworth Estate.


Create a Letterpress Print Workshop

Create a unique print and learn the basics of letterpress in a fun-filled afternoon at Smallprint HQ! The session is ideal for people of all letterpress abilities who are interested in the creative aspect of letterpress. On the Day Chris will teach a small group the basics of traditional letterpress printing. After some basic prep…



We're closed for a little family holiday... Have a great Easter break and we shall see you soon!


We're working off-site today! Please come back another time, we'd love to see you.

Open Day

Join us for our first Open Day of the new year. To celebrate, we're welcoming Rob Chapman back to the space with a new collection of work - Looking Beyond. Pop in for a chat with Rob, enjoy the exhibition or have a go at a quick print on our trusty proofing press. We look…

Create a Letterpress Print workshop

Create a unique print and learn the basics of letterpress in an absorbing evening at Smallprint HQ!

The session is ideal for people of all letterpress abilities who are interested in the creative aspect of letterpress.

Beginners Bookbinding Workshop

Learn the basics of Japanese bookbinding and experiment with simple binding techniques to create a journal, sketchbook, scrapbook or a fun afternoon at The Smallprint Co!