Friary Villas | 2-3 Friary Street | Derby | DE1 1JF | 07948 266652

Workshop | Beginner’s Bookbinding

Learn the basics of Japanese bookbinding in a fun afternoon at The Smallprint Co! The session is ideal for anyone looking for a relaxing and crafty afternoon with friends and family.

Workshop | Create a Letterpress Print

Create a unique print and learn the basics of letterpress in an absorbing evening at Smallprint HQ! The session is ideal for people of all letterpress abilities who are interested in the creative aspect of letterpress.


The studio is closed on Fridays to allow us to work on projects. If you're making a special journey, please call Hannah on 07806 782109 or Chris on 07948 266652, otherwise email


The studio is closed on Fridays to allow us to work on projects. If you're making a special journey, please call Hannah on 07806 782109 or Chris on 07948 266652, otherwise email

Exhibition | Beatrice Tailby-Hardstaff

A series of screenprints by recent graduate Beatrice Tailby-Hardstaff. "... a work in progress; using research as a tool with which to interrogate systems of art making and display within galleries and museums, in an attempt to excavate the processes and experiences that generate and sustain a practice." BT-H, Sept 18

Event | Vintage & Quirky fair

We're returning to V&Q for their fabulous Christmas fair, come find us in the beautiful Chatsworth Estate village of Edensor.


The studio is closed on Fridays to allow us to work on projects. If you're making a special journey, please call Hannah on 07806 782109 or Chris on 07948 266652, otherwise email

Limited Opening

We're working off site so the studio is open between 11am and 3pm today! If you want a fun day out you'll find us not too far away in Derby Eagle Market as part of the annual Derby Mini Maker Faire... exciting!!!

EVENT | Derby Maker Faire

Find us at the Derby Maker Faire today, in a brand new location whilst the Silk Mill undergoes renovation, at the Derby Eagle Market. Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. From engineers to artists to scientists to crafters, Maker Faire is…


The studio is closed on Fridays to allow us to work on projects. If you're making a special journey, please call Hannah on 07806 782109 or Chris on 07948 266652, otherwise email