Friary Villas | 2-3 Friary Street | Derby | DE1 1JF | 07948 266652

Arboretum by John Blakemore and Rosalind Pounder

During a residency at Derby's Arboretum, Rosalind Pounder & John Blakemore, created two distinctly different yet complementary bodies of work inspired by Derby Arboretum the first "publicly owned, landscaped, urban, recreational park in England".

In Print by RE McGaul

Ralph's approach to making art is intuitive and visceral with the goal of producing something that is immediate and visually engaging, without the need for wordy explanations.


Looking Beyond by Rob Chapman

We're very pleased to be welcoming Rob Chapman back to the Gallery Space with his intricately worked wood engravings. Follow Rob's work here:


Exhibition: Prints and Bookarts by Peter Knight

Explorations of printmaking, text and book structures literally unfold, as views of landscape and narratives develop in the work of Peter Knight, on show at The Smallprint Co’s The Gallery Space.

Exhibition | Bernie Rutter: Vessels and the Spaces We Keep Safe

A selection of prints by Bernie Rutter. Join Bernie for a Private View on September 28, 6-8pm and for a special collaborative collagraph and letterpress workshop between Bernie and our very own printer Chris.