Friary Villas | 2-3 Friary Street | Derby | DE1 1JF | 07948 266652

Beginners Bookbinding Workshop

Learn the basics of Japanese bookbinding in a fun afternoon at The Smallprint Co!

The session is ideal for anyone looking for a relaxing and crafty afternoon with friends and family.

Part of the Derby Book Festival celebrations.


Find us in Derby Market Place today as part of the Furthest From The Sea festival! Just 10 minutes' walk from the studio...

Q Club at Quad

QUAD’s Creative Wellbeing Programme is a club for children and young people aged 5 –18yrs on the autistic spectrum. We'll be running a letterpress workshop as part of this programme.

Create a Letterpress Print workshop

Chris will teach a small group the basics of traditional letterpress printing. After some basic prep in general principles and typography (if you’re unfamiliar), you’ll learn how to hand-set type…

Print a Poster – Mini Letterpress Sessions

Pop in to the studio, browse our vintage type drawers and ink up a printastic poster! This is a quick session designed to introduce you to the joys of letterpress!

Coptic Bookbinding Workshop

Hannah will teach a small group how to make a hard covered book bound together with the Coptic stitch. Expect to take away a beautifully bound hard backed book for…