Railways: The Making of a Nation (a little update)
Railways: The Making of a Nation
Railways: The Making of a Nation is being aired again, so if you fancy watching a younger Chris print the show title in our very first studio, you’ll find it here! (edit May 2023)
A little while ago, over on our old blog site, we mentioned that the BBC had popped by to film the presses in action. We were expecting the documentary, Railways: The Making of a Nation to be aired around Christmas-time, but as it happens, it was shown on BBC1 last week.
It’s a fascinating look at the railways in the broader sense, in relation to industry and more specifically, time, capitalism, food and leisure – and it put print at that time, very much into context.
If you’d like to catch the series, it’s showing on BBC1 at 7.30pm on Wednesdays, I believe, or catch it on iPlayer! (Smallprint is about 7 minutes in on the first episode, for those that are interested!)